Black Hills Center for Equality

Rainbow Run 5k 2025

Come have fun with our Rainbow Run! All ages and fitness levels are welcome, and you can choose to walk or run the 5k. During the run, you’ll get to run through various color sprays!

You can also help support us by buying a special Rainbow Run shirt!

*Please note, shirts will only be available to order until May 7th.*

How much does it cost?
Adult tickets are $25 and those under 18 are free! Rainbow Run shirts are also $25 for adults and $20 for those under 18.
When is the Run? 
The Run will be May 17th and will begin at 9 AM!
Where do I go?
We’ll be at the Old Storybook Island Shelter at 2911 Canyon Lake Drive in Rapid City (turn off at 2915 Canyon Lake Drive).